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I am sure you have seen her at a Lacrosse game
Although you may not know her name
She seldom sits with her friends or the crowd
Who gets so excited and yells so loud
The rest of the teams they can give and take
It is the goalie who always makes the mistake
“Take him out” they holler “He is a sieve”
He doesn’t even deserve to live!!“

But when the contest is going the other way
They have nothing but praise and good things to say
”He is stopping them all. Isn’t he great?“
”If he keeps this up, we will be going to the states.“

When overtime comes, she can no longer stay
But goes to the park and starts to pray;
And cautiously listens to hear a loud roar
She then knows that one team has now made a score
Her heart in her throat, she peeks at the fans
They are joyful, screaming and clapping their hands.
With a sigh of relief, she know her boy’s team has won,
So for now there won’t be any criticizing her son.
She says a quite ”Thank you God“ as she walks back to the field.
Today’s a happy ending, but she knows there will be more.

Times when the goalie doesn’t come through.
There will be days when she will brush a tear from a eye
And days when she will want to break down and cry,

For the player with the almost impossible task
Oh how she loves that child from behind the mask.
Yes, I’m sure you have seen this lady at one time or another
‘Cause she is a special breed, she is the goalie’s mother.


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